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Announcements in the Public Interest (API)

Announcements in the public interest (API) has spearheaded government publicity campaign in the past. Different strategies and means have been adopted at various stages of publicity. Government endeavors to keep AIDS on the public agenda by maintaining regular media presence in the form of press conferences and interviews. This is in addition to government publicity campaigns and public education efforts by individual community groups. The aim is to invite the public to address AIDS as an issue of concern.

Since 1987, TV APIs on AIDS were produced to arouse the public awareness in order to publicize information including routes of HIV transmission, common misconceptions, preventive measures on HIV infection, promotion of acceptance of the HIV infected, and other related matters.

Series of TV API on AIDS, 1987 - 2024 Hong Kong

No. Title: year 
47. Get Tested for HIV 2024
46. Early Treatment for a Healthy Life 2019
45. Face it! Test it! 2015
44. To prevent HIV infection, always protect yourself with a condom. 2011
43. Travel Smart Play Safe 2009
42. Accept and Care 2007
41. Accept is love, do you support? (Chinese version) 2006
40. Rationality is love, do you see? (Chinese version) 2006
39. Caring is love, are you willing? (Chinese version) 2006
38. Protection is love, do you know? (Chinese version) 2006
37. Use a Condom for Safer Sex 2006 2006
36. Use a Condom for Safer Sex 2005
35. To Understand and Care 2005
34. A Family 2004
33. Love Under The Sun (II) 2003
32. Love Under The Sun (I) 2003
31. Live and let live 2002
30. Harm Reduction - Measure Cup 2002
29. Be a Responsible Man. Prevent AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2001
28. Sharing needle 2000 2000
27. Be a Responsible Man Use a Condom 1998
26. Appeal by Gary Ngan 1996
25. Appeal by Li Pik Sum 1996
24. Appeal by Hung Chiu Fung 1996
23. Appeal by Paul Tse 1996
22. Appeal by Pamela Pak 1996
21. The story of J.J. 1995
20. Talk About AIDS (Mouth) 1994
19. Three Women (Salon) 1994
18. Girl 1993
17. Husband 1993
16. Women Protection 1992
15. The use of Condom (classified as 'Mature')
14. Stuntman 1992
13. Misconception III 1991
12. Misconception II 1991
11. Misconception I 1991
10. AIDS & Travellers 1990
9. Safer Sex/ Condom 1990
8. Sharing Needle 1989
7. Infection of Ordinary People 1988
6. Homosexual 1988
5. Youth & Prostitution 1988
4. Prevention-High Risk Group 1987
3. High Risk Group 1987
2. Condom 1987
1. Pyramid 1987