Love Under The Sun (II) - 2003
- 全球同抗愛滋病運動
- World AIDS Campaign
Voice over:
AIDS is preventable Reach out to AIDS patient
- 愛滋病人最需要愛
- AIDS patient needs love.
- 我們都在 請走過來
- We're here for you. Please come.
- 誰躲在背後糊塗瞎猜
- Who is making ignorant remarks in the back?
- 只因為不明白
- All because of ignorance.
- 才大驚小怪
- No need to panic.
- 不敢明白
- If we face the truth,
- 那才是最悲哀
- there's nothing to fear.
End super:
- 愛滋熱線 27802211
- AIDS Hotline 27802211
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