![]() Women and AIDS'' Street Roving Exhibition ![]() Workshop for Maternal and Child Health Personnel Objectives:
From 1 September 2001, all clients attending the Maternal and Child Health Centres of the Department of Health (DH) and the Antenatal clinics of Hospital Authority (HA) hospitals will be offered the HIV test as part of routine antenatal blood testing without additional charge.
Woman infected by the HIV virus runs a 15 per cent to 40 per cent chance of passing the virus to her baby during pregnancy, delivery or while breast-feeding.
Screening during pregnancy enables early detection of HIV infection in the mother and allows prompt intervention. Treatment comprises the use of drugs acting against the virus, which are given in the course of pregnancy, during delivery and to the baby after birth. Early detection and treatment has been proven to be effective in reducing the chance of mother-to-child HIV transmission by two-thirds.