Voice over: To care and accept. I can. He can. So can you!. Subtitle: Miriam Yeung Chin-wah UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador for Hong Kong, China Voice over: Show your concern, understanding and acceptance. Support people living with HIV/AIDS. We all can! End super: Let us all accept and care for people living with HIV/AIDS! AIDS Hotline 2780 2211 www.aids.gov.hk
Voice over:
To care and accept. I can. He can. So can you!.
Miriam Yeung Chin-wah UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador for Hong Kong, China
Miriam Yeung Chin-wah
UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador for Hong Kong, China
Show your concern, understanding and acceptance. Support people living with HIV/AIDS. We all can!
Show your concern, understanding and acceptance.
Support people living with HIV/AIDS.
We all can!
End super:
Let us all accept and care for people living with HIV/AIDS! AIDS Hotline 2780 2211 www.aids.gov.hk
Let us all accept and care for people living with HIV/AIDS!
AIDS Hotline 2780 2211 www.aids.gov.hk