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World AIDS Campaign


World AIDS Day was conceived and adopted unanimously by the World Summit of Ministers of Health on AIDS in London 1988. The Summit was attended by 140 countries. Each year, a theme is selected by the World Health Organisation to highlight on issue deserving focussed attention. In 1997, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) called for an enhanced responses by initiating the new World AIDS Campaign.


To promote increased advocacy and programmatic activities and initiatives around HIV/AIDS related issues.

Theme, interpretation and activities to echo the theme of World AIDS Campaign in Hong Kong.

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2024: Advances with Love, 40 Years of United Actions & Beyond

  1. Red Ribbon Centre and the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS jointly held the World AIDS Campaign 2024 Kick-off Ceremony on 30 November 2024. Themed "Advances with Love, 40 Years of United Actions & Beyond", the ceremony reflected on the past and future joint efforts between the Government, healthcare sector and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to combat AIDS and care for patients and their families through a multipronged approach and strategic collaboration since the first case of HIV infection reported in Hong Kong in 1984.
    World AIDS Campaign 2024 Kick-off Ceremony
    World AIDS Campaign 2024 Kick-off Ceremony
    World AIDS Campaign 2024 Kick-off Ceremony
    World AIDS Campaign 2024 Kick-off Ceremony
  2. Launching a new Announcement of Public Interest (API) under the slogan "For your health, get tested for HIV" to appeal to people who have had sex to get tested for HIV at least once to keep track their own health status. Hyperlink to API
    For your health, get tested for HIV
    For your health, get tested for HIV
    For your health, get tested for HIV
    For your health, get tested for HIV
  3. In December 2024, launch the inaugural “HIV Testing Month” in Hong Kong in partnership with 12 collaborating and 10 supporting organisations including non-governmental organisations and professional bodies to promote the normalization of HIV testing through raising public awareness as well as facilitating easy and convenient access to testing through various channels.
    To motivate and encourage the public to get tested for HIV, the Department of Health offers a promotional code for free delivery of self-test kits ordered on the "HIV Testing Service" website during the “HIV Testing Month”.
    HIV Testing Month
  4. Advertisement by displaying health promotion message “Get Tested for HIV” on the bus body to enhance the importance of HIV testing.
    Advertisement by displaying health promotion message “Get Tested for HIV” on the bus body
  5. In line with the promotion theme of normalising HIV testing in Hong Kong and to update the general public’s understanding of HIV/AIDS, the Department of Health produced a news special entitled “Sunday Report – four decades of HIV/AIDS response” which was broadcast on 1 December 2024.
    Sunday Report – four decades of HIV/AIDS response
    Sunday Report – four decades of HIV/AIDS response
    This link will open in a new window(Link to interview video)

  6. Production of interview videos in collaborating with an online health channel to provide updates on HIV testing, treatment and local epidemiology.
    Know more about HIV/AIDS
    Know more about HIV/AIDS
    1. Know more about HIV/AIDS This link will open in a new window(Link to interview video)
    2. HIV This link will open in a new window(Link to interview video)
    3. People living with HIV This link will open in a new window(Link to interview video)
    4. Symptoms of HIV infection and treatment This link will open in a new window(Link to interview video)

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2023: For your health, Get tested!

  1. An HIV Testing Service promotion vehicle themed “For your health, Get tested” visited various locations in Hong Kong in December to raise public awareness of AIDS, promote HIV testing services, and appeal to the public to care about people living with AIDS through lively and interesting means such as illustrations and interactive game.
    promotion vehicle
    promotion vehicle
  2. Advertisement on the KMB App to promote our revamped HIV Testing Service website. The website serves as a comprehensive resource that provides valuable information about HIV, including prevention, transmission, and treatment. Through two main functions of the website, the public can get access to HIV self-test kits and the DH’s voluntary counselling and testing services.
  3. Publicity of the HIV Testing Service website on dating apps to raise the awareness on HIV testing among dating app users.
    Publicity of the HIV Testing Service website on dating apps
    Publicity of the HIV Testing Service website on dating apps

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2022: Undetectable=Untransmittable (U=U)

  1. A short home visit video Joyce Cheng x “U=U” was produced based on a true story of people living with HIV (PLHIV). A pop singer was invited to be an interviewer in the video. Through casual conversations, it brings out the concept of “U=U” that PLHIV can have their own life plans, such as getting married and organizing a family, as long as they take antiviral drugs consistently. The video aims to raise general public understanding towards “U=U”, and to promote caring and accepting PLHIV.
  2. Advertising in buses to enhance the effect of publicity.
    Advertising in buses to enhance the effect of publicity
  3. Collaborating with an online health channel, an interview video was produced to explain the evolution of HIV treatment, the concept of “U=U”, the importance of testing and the methods of HIV self-test by Medical and Health Officer of Special Preventive Programme.

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2021: We are unique, yet the same

  1. "We are unique, yet the same" World AIDS Campaign 2021 Kick-off Ceremony cum documentary premiere was held at JC Cube of Tai Kwun on 27th November. The ceremony involved premiere of our centre's documentary and sharing of HIV messages from invited guests to raise general public understanding towards HIV and people who are living with HIV (PLHIV) and to disseminate the message of caring and accepting PLHIV, injecting positive energy into the fight against AIDS.
    World Aids Campaign 2021 Ceremony
    World Aids Campaign 2021 Ceremony
    World Aids Campaign 2021 Ceremony
    World Aids Campaign 2021 Ceremony
  2. Using the concept of "Common Humanity" in the production of documentary 'A Day in the Life of Just Someone'. "Common Humanity" means although everyone is born unique, we indeed share similarities in the process of life cycle and life experience. All of us would experience joys in our lives or feeling of struggles, heartaches and fears when facing challenges. This documentary covers real stories from seven PLHIV which allows audience to know more about them and to understand HIV infection is no different from other chronic illnesses which require lifelong medication.
  3. Collaborating with online storytelling platform "Storyteller說故事" to compose stories and design illustrations based on the real life experiences of four PLHIV, which were presented at online platforms.
The documentary 'A Day in the Life of Just Someone'
The documentary "A Day in the Life of Just Someone"
(This link will open in a new windowLink to the documentary)
红丝带中心x Storyteller说故事
Four stories related to people who are living with HIV to be presented on social media platform
(This link will open in a new windowFacebook / This link will open in a new windowInstagram)

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2020: Global Solidarity, Shared Responsibility

  1. Red Ribbon Centre and the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians co-organised the online HIV-STI conference on 28 November for primary health care professionals to provide participants with updates on prevention and treatment of HIV and STIs;
  2. Appealing the public to wear red ribbons provided by Red Ribbon Centre for free on 1 December to show their care and concern for those living with HIV/AIDS and their support to the people and organizations working on HIV prevention;
  3. Online promotion to introduce a series of HIV and safer sex education materials which targeted on the youth. Knowledge of HIV & STIs was enriched through the funny approach, youth would be able to know how to protect themselves from HIV infection.
A group photo of the speakers of HIV-STI conference
Promotion of wearing red ribbons to support World AIDS Day
Online promotion of HIV and safer sex education materials

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2019: Early Treatment for a Healthy Life

  1. Launching of a new set of TV and radio Announcements in the Public Interest (APIs). The storyline of the APIs is about HIV infection as an obstacle along life path, may tell one to stop. One choose to have early HIV treatment with antiretroviral therapy can get his life back on track.  Hyperlink to APIs “Early Treatment for a Healthy Life”
  2. Advertising in MTR trains to enhance the effect of publicity.
Early Treatment for a Healthy Life Poster
Screen 1 of Early Treatment for a Healthy Life
Screen 2 of Early Treatment for a Healthy Life

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2018: Power of Love

  1. Inviting Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) from various sectors of the community to share on their social media platforms the messages about HIV prevention and acceptance of people living with HIV;
  2. A ceremony to commemorate the World AIDS Day;
  3. Roadshow sessions at popular nightlife hot spots for promoting safer sex and HIV testing;
  4. Targeting young adults by producing the video "Dating Bootcamp" in a lively approach to raise public awareness of early testing for HIV.
A ceremony to commemorate the World AIDS Day
Condom Gift Set Distribution
safer sex and HIV testing promotion
producing the video “Dating Bootcamp”

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2017: Know AIDS‧No AIDS

  1. The "Know AIDS‧No AIDS" Creative School Projects on HIV/AIDS Prevention Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 18 November to raise public awareness on HIV/AIDS.
  2. Launching the Creative School Projects programme under the theme "Know AIDS‧No AIDS" in collaboration with the FPAHK. The programme engaged about 100 students from eight secondary schools and two universities in workshops in July and August covering knowledge of HIV/AIDS and STIs, use of condoms for safer sex, and advice from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) on HIV prevention in the community. After the training, enrolled students organised creative activities on their own to promote AIDS awareness on campus.
A group photo of officiating guests
Sharing of the creative school projects
Performance at the ‘Know AIDS‧No AIDS’ Creative School Projects on HIV/AIDS Prevention Award Presentation Ceremony

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2016: On the fast-track to end AIDS

  1. The " On the fast-track to end AIDS " World AIDS Campaign 2016 Kick-off Ceremony was held on 19 November to raise public awareness on HIV/AIDS.
  2. Launching the programme on life skill-based AIDS education in collaboration with the FPAHK to strengthen secondary school students' skills in self-awareness, critical thinking, decision-making, interpersonal communication and negotiation in the hope of enhancing their understanding of AIDS and ways to effectively protect themselves from infection.
“On the fast-track to end AIDS” World AIDS Campaign 2016 Kick-off Ceremony
A group photo of officiating guests and participants

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2015: Getting to Zero

  1. "Getting to Zero" egg design competition and roving exhibition for the prize-winning entries
  2. Getting to Zero - Egg Design Competition Award Presentation Ceremony
  3. Radio programmes focusing on issues about AIDS include "香港仲有好能量", and Interviews on Metro Info Channel
“Getting to ZERO” egg design competition and roving exhibition for the prize-winning entries
Getting to Zero - Egg Design Competition Award Presentation Ceremony
Radio programmes focusing on issues about AIDS include “香港仲有好能量”,  and Interviews on Metro Info Channel

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2014: Getting to ZERO

  1. The "Getting to ZERO" World AIDS Campaign 2014 Kick-off Ceremony was held on 29 November to raise public awareness on HIV/AIDS.
  2. Launching the programme on life skill-based AIDS education in collaboration with the FPAHK to strengthen junior secondary school students' skills in self-awareness, critical thinking, decision-making, interpersonal communication and negotiation in the hope of enhancing their understanding of AIDS and ways to effectively protect themselves from infection.
“Getting to ZERO” World AIDS Campaign 2014 Kick-off Ceremony
Performance at “Getting to ZERO” World AIDS Campaign 2014 Kick-off Ceremony

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2013: Safe Journey

  1. "Safe Journey" drama premiere cum ceremony for World AIDS Day 2013 was held on 30 November to raise public awareness on HIV/AIDS
  2. Launching a series of radio programmes under the theme - "Safe Journey" to promote HIV prevention.
  3. "Safe Journey" drama script writing competition was co-organised with Radio Television Hong Kong Radio 2 to arouse public's awareness on safer sex and HIV prevention.
Safe Journey drama premiere cum ceremony for World AIDS Day 2013
Safe Journey drama premiere

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2012: I Care, I Concern

  1. Launch a series of radio programmes under the theme - "I Care, I Concern", focusing on issues about AIDS to help increase audiences' awareness.
  2. Jointly organised with Radio Television Hong Kong Radio 2, a MicroFilm titled "Love, Zero AIDS" was produced and a Premiere cum Kick-off Ceremony of World AIDS Day 2012 was launched on 30 November.
  3. A concert 《紅絲帶音樂會2012 ﹣我接納 我關心》 was held on 25 November at the Hong Kong Baptist University Academic Community Hall
Radio programmes under the theme - 'I Care, I Concern'
MicroFilm titled 'Love, Zero AIDS'
The concert held on 25 November at the Hong Kong Baptist University Academic Community Hall

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2011: Getting to Zero

  1. A newly composed theme song "Red Ribbon" was produced and sang by "World AIDS Campaign 2011" Hong Kong activity Ambassador Mr Eric Suen and Mr Hins Cheung
  2. Broadcasting of radio programme "如果有一蕉@新香蕉俱樂部". Audiences were involved in the phone –in programme to discuss about AIDS related matter.
  3. Launching of thematic photo and short video competition to promote concern, support and acceptance to people living with HIV.
  4. World AIDS Day 2011 Concert was held on 1 December at the open area of Hong Kong Cultural Centre.
  5. For the first time in Hong Kong, the Tsim Sha Tsui Clock Tower and Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts has turned Red on 1 December to raise public awareness on HIV/AIDS.
World AIDS Campaign 2011 Hong Kong activity Ambassador Mr Eric Suen, Mr Hins Cheung, and the wife of the Chief Executive cum Patron of the Red Ribbon Centre, Mrs Selina Tsang
World AIDS Day 2011 Concert
World AIDS Day 2011 Concert
the Tsim Sha Tsui Clock Tower has turned Red on 1 December
Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts has turned Red on 1 December
Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts has turned Red on 1 December

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2010: 25 Years of Response to AIDS – Together We Embrace Love

Activities in Hong Kong :

  1. Broadcasting of radio programmes "擁抱愛的人". Representatives from different sectors of the community were involved in the radio programme to promote HIV prevention, as well as care and support for people living with HIV.
  2. Staging of a roving photo exhibition on "25 Years of AIDS at A Glance" in various districts reviewing the work done in tackling AIDS over the past 25 years;
  3. Thematic Concert「紅絲帶 . 愛 . 同行 2010」promoting acceptance of people living with HIV/AIDS;
  4. A gala show "流動人口與防艾—2010年深圳預防艾滋病大型公益活動"
25 Years of Response to AIDS – Together We Embrace Love Kick-off Ceremony for 2010 World AIDS Day Activities at Harbour City
Photo exhibition on 25 Years of AIDS at A Glance at Harbour City
The Thematic Concert「紅絲帶 . 愛 . 同行 2010」
The gala show 流動人口與防艾—2010年深圳預防艾滋病大型公益活動

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2009: Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise

  1. To promote public awareness on HIV prevention, Red Ribbon Centre disseminated information related to HIV to the public through broadcasting in television programme ''Off Pedder'' during family viewing time on Jade Channel of TVB.
  2. Let's got all walks of life touched with issues about AIDS to help increase awareness and eradicate fear on AIDS and in turn made a step to show concern, support and acceptance to people living with AIDS. To achieve this, the Red Ribbon Centre collaborated with the Commercial Radio to launch a comprehensive series of AIDS-related programmes. The programmes accommodated wide ranges of areas including knowledge sharing on AIDS, thematic interviews and radio drama.
  3. UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador for Hong Kong ,China, Miss Miriam Yeung Chin-wah featured a new API "Travel Smart, Play Safe".
  4. Co-organised with Shenzhen Working Committee for AIDS Prevention and Control and Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a gala show "防艾少年行" was held in Shenzhen on 29 November.
Miss Miriam Yeung participated in the production of radio programme
Photo taking for production of poster featured Travel Smart, Play Safe
The TV new API Travel Smart, Play Safe
A gala show "防艾少年行" was held in Shenzhen

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2008: Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise---Leadership

Interpretation (synopsis) : In collaboration with national, regional, global and constituent partners, to pledge their leadership to help stop AIDS

To echo the theme "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise" and to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of World AIDS Day, we launched a series of activities:

  1. Launched a kick-off ceremony in Central Atrium of Olympian City II on 1st December 2008 to raise public awareness of the prevention of HIV/AIDS and to promote safer sex.
  2. Broadcasted a series of HIV prevention and care messages through Commercial Radio I 'Va Va Afternoon D'
  3. Launched the dedicated website on UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador for Hong Kong SAR China 'Miriam's Voice on AIDS'
  4. Distributed Red Ribbon Stickers and mobile cleaners which were designed by UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador for Hong Kong SAR China, Miss Miriam Yeung Chin-wah and also stickers designed by Mr. Eric Suen, Miss Kary Ng and Mr. Zac Ko, to promote public acceptance of people living with HIV.
  5. Orgainised a roving exhibition on '20th Anniversary of World AIDS Day' to raise public awareness on HIV/AIDS
The kick-off ceremony to echo the theme ''Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise''
Miss Miriam Yeung Chin-wah intoduced the dedicated website Miriam's Voice on AIDS
Red Ribbon Stickers and mobile cleaners which were designed by UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador for Hong Kong SAR China, Miss Miriam Yeung Chin-wah and also stickers designed by Mr. Eric Suen, Miss Kary Ng and Mr. Zac Ko

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2007: Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise.

December is World AIDS Day. This year's World AIDS Campaign continues on the theme "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise".

Activities in Hong Kong

  1. Distribution of red ribbons to various organisations and encouraged people to wear red ribbons on 1 December (World AIDS Day) to show their care and concern for people living with HIV.
  2. A Kick-off Ceremony was launched on 30 November (Friday) in Central Atrium, G/F of Olympian City 2. Guests from Shenzhen, Macau, and local, who participated in HIV prevention were invited. The aims were to promote public's awareness on prevention of HIV, and to foster a supportive environment to people living with HIV. Besides, a Cake-cutting Ceremony was held during the Kick-off Ceremony to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Red Ribbon Centre.
  3. An Announcement of Public Interest (API) and poster, casted by UNAIDS Special Representative, Miss Miriam YEUNG Chin-wah were produced to convey messages on ''Accept and care for people living with HIV.''
The Kick-off Ceremony held on 30 November in Central Atrium, G/F of Olympian City 2
The Kick-off Ceremony held on 30 November in Central Atrium, G/F of Olympian City 2
Poster for promoting Accept and care for people living with HIV

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2006: Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise

This year's World AIDS Campaign will continue on the theme "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise". On that day, AIDS workers and AIDS-related organizations around the world will organise different AIDS preventive activities. As an UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for Technical Support, Red Ribbon Centre will have the following events to echo the theme of World AIDS Campaign 2006.

  1. Kick-off Ceremony for the 2006 World AIDS Day Activities

    Red Ribbon Centre will collaborate with RTHK II to launch a kick-off ceremony in Central Atrium, G/F of Olympian City 2 to commemorate World AIDS Day. The aims are to promote public's awareness on safer sex practice and prevention of HIV/AIDS, and to foster a supportive environment to people living with HIV/AIDS. Speaking at the launch ceremony on December 1, the Acting Director of Health, Dr P Y Leung, said that WAD was dedicated to raising awareness of the global AIDS epidemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. He called on the community to work together in the fight against the disease.

  2. 4 short promotional API for World AIDS Campaign
  3. 13 radio drama in RTHK II "自己人"

    These will be broadcasted from November to December 2006 every Saturday from 12 MN to 2 am.

  4. Promotion activities in cross-border area and public transport

    A series of health messages on HIV/AIDS will be disseminated from mid November to mid December 2006 using the outdoor advertising medium. The promotional API on safer sex will be broadcasted extensively on the LCD screen throughout the railway network (East Rail, West Rail and Ma On Shan Rail). Besides, HIV/AIDS promotional posters will be mounted in Lo Wu Departure Hall, bus bodies and escalator panels in various MTR stations.

  5. General Knowledge in 60 seconds

    Starting from Jan to Feb, 2007, the RTHK Radio II will broadcast a 60 seconds message of prevention of AIDS.

the kick-off ceremony in Central Atrium, G/F of Olympian City 2
the kick-off ceremony in Central Atrium, G/F of Olympian City 2

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2005: Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise.

Interpretation (Synopsis):
Focus on keeping commitments to stop AIDS at all levels: personal, community, organisational, governmental. It supports the World AIDS Campaign advocacy efforts for the fulfilment of the UN Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and subsequent policy commitments on AIDS. Commitments include: AIDS prevention campaigns, reduce stigma, build up health infrastructures, provide necessary resources, ensure treatment, care and respect for people living with HIV/AIDS.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • "Early Birds” and “Families of the World United”, two radio programmes to promote acceptance of people living with HIV/AIDS broadcasted at radio channel FM997
  • "Torture University” – a series of radio programme to arouse awareness in STI/AIDS broadcasted at radio channel FM903
  • A series of 3 programmes on promoting acceptance and safer sex practice were broadcasted at FirsTVision on buses.
Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3
shooting for the video broadcasted at FirsTVision on buses
shooting for the video broadcasted at FirsTVision on buses
video broadcasting at FirsTVision on buses

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2004: Women, Girls, HIV and AIDS

Interpretation (Synopsis):
Accelerate the global response to HIV and AIDS through a focus on women and girls - preventing new infections, promoting equal access to treatment and mitigating the impact of AIDS..

Activities in Hong Kong

  • The TV API "A Family" was produced to arouse public awareness
  • The "0.2- Most Inspiring Persons in Hong Kong AIDS Epidemic Poll" was organised to promote public awareness towards AIDS and giving support to AIDS patients.
  • "0.2 - Twenty Years of AIDS in Hong Kong" Posters and News Archives Exhibition - more than 100 posters and hundreds of news articles on AIDS were presented systematically to bring out development and influence over the past 20 years.
The TV API A Family was produced to arouse public awareness
The 0.2- Most Inspiring Persons in Hong Kong AIDS Epidemic Poll was organised to promote public awareness towards AIDS and giving support to AIDS patients
0.2 - Twenty Years of AIDS in Hong Kong Posters and News Archives Exhibition at Hong kong Central Library

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2002- 2003: Stigma and Discrimination

Interpretation (Synopsis):

Focus on stigma and discrimination. The campaign encourage people to break the silence and the barriers to effective HIV/AIDS prevention and care. Only by confronting stigma and discrimination will the fight against HIV/AIDS be won.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • The famous artist Mr WONG Tse-wah featured in the TV API "Live and let live".
  • Seven episodes of 5-minute TV segments "AIDS File" broadcasted at TV Channels of Hong Kong
  • Production of a musical film 《Love Under The Sun》 for appealing to public on HIV prevention and care. The film was cast by 38 local and Mainland artists.
The famous artist Mr WONG Tse-wah featured in the TV API "Live and let live"
Poster promoting the TV segment AIDS File
Premiere of the musical film Love Under The Sun held on 1 December 2003 in the Theatre of City University

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2001: I Care … Do You ?

Interpretation (Synopsis):

Focus on the role of men in the AIDS epidemic, particularly young men, more fully in the effect against AIDS

Activities in Hong Kong

  • UNAIDS Hong Kong AIDS Ambassador Ms Miriam YEUNG Chin-wah participated in the production of the UNAIDS World AIDS Campaign poster.
  • Launching of the AIDS Hotline web site at the "We care Launching ceremony"
We care Launching ceremony
UNAIDS Hong Kong AIDS Ambassador Ms Miriam YEUNG Chin-wah and the youth participated in the production of the UNAIDS World AIDS Campaign poster
AIDS Hotline website was launched

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 2000: Men make a difference

Interpretation (Synopsis):

It focuses on men's behaviour in relation to the spread and containment of HIV/AIDS, and their contribution towards the fight against AIDS.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • Miss Miriam YEUNG Chin-wah, UNAIDS Hong Kong Ambassador, performed an AIDS quiz game at "Positive Response" Day in 2000 World AIDS Campaign.
  • Members of the public queued up for posters bearing the image of Miss Miriam YEUNG Chin-wah, UNAIDS Hong Kong Ambassador, after the event "Positive Response" Day.
Miss Miriam YEUNG Chin-wah, UNAIDS Hong Kong Ambassador, performed an AIDS quiz game at "Positive Response" Day in 2000 World AIDS Campaign
Members of the public enjoying the show
embers of the public queued up for posters bearing the image of Miss Miriam YEUNG Chin-wah, UNAIDS Hong Kong Ambassador, after the event "Positive Response" Day

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1999: Listen, Learn, Live! World AIDS Campaign with children and young people

Interpretation (Synopsis):

To raise the level of open communication about HIV, especially among and about those under 25, who comprise more than half of the 16000 people who become infected each day.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • Famous local artists Miss Carina LAU, Ms Cecilia YIP and Mr Eddie KWAN distributed condom key chains to promote AIDS prevention at the Kick-off Ceremony of "1999 World AIDS Campaign".
  • Miss Miriam YEUNG Chin-wah, UNAIDS Hong Kong Ambassador, urged the community not to discriminate against people living with HIV/AIDS at the AIDS "I Care" Party on World AIDS Day.
Famous local artists Miss Carina LAU, Ms Cecilia YIP and Mr Eddie KWAN distributed condom key chains to promote AIDS prevention at the Kick-off Ceremony of "1999 World AIDS Campaign".
Miss Miriam YEUNG Chin-wah, UNAIDS Hong Kong Ambassador, urged the community not to discriminate  against people living with HIV/AIDS at the AIDS "I Care" Party on World AIDS Day
Miss Miriam YEUNG Chin-wah, UNAIDS Hong Kong Ambassador distributing small gift to the participants

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1998: Force for change : World AIDS Campaign with Young People

Interpretation (Synopsis):

To promote the participation of young people in HIV prevention and care efforts, increase awareness of the devastating impact of HIV on young people, and strengthen support for young people in their effort to fight AIDS.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • Mrs. Betty TUNG wife of the Chief Executive of HK SAR Government officiated the "Outstanding AIDS Workers Recognition Scheme Awards Presentations Ceremony" on World AIDS Day, and presented awards to the nine Outstanding AIDS Workers.
Mrs. Betty TUNG wife of the Chief Executive of HK SAR Government officiated the Outstanding AIDS Workers Recognition Scheme Awards Presentations Ceremony
Mrs. Betty TUNG wife of the Chief Executive of HK SAR Government presented awards to the Outstanding AIDS Workers.
group photo taken at the Outstanding AIDS Workers Recognition Scheme Awards Presentations Ceremony

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1997: Children living in a World with AIDS

Interpretation (Synopsis):

To increase public understanding of the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS on children and to promote further action to prevent HIV infection and improve care.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • A twin-ribbon bronze sculpture in the form of a heart, was erected on 1 December which commemorated the Hong Kong Project of World AIDS Campaign 1997. The sculpture binds us together to stop the relentless spread of HIV/AIDS.
photo of the twin-ribbon bronze sculpture
photo taken on 1 Dec 1997 World AIDS Campaign

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1996: Shared rights, shared responsibilities

Interpretation (Synopsis):

To put aside their differences and to work together to face the challenge of slowing down the epidemic and alleviating its impact.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • An "AIDS Awareness Campaign Launching Ceremony" was held on 1 December 1996 at Kowloon City Plaza. The three AIDS Ambassadors gave their speeches at the Ceremony.
photo of the three AIDS Ambassadors gave their speeches at the AIDS Awareness Campaign Launching Ceremony
photo taken at the AIDS Awareness Campaign Launching Ceremony
photo taken at the AIDS Awareness Campaign Launching Ceremony

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1995: Shared rights, shared responsibilities

Interpretation (Synopsis):

Rights must be protected and responsibilities borne if we are to confront HIV/AIDS successfully - whether as individuals, organisations, communities or governments.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • In the "10 Years of AIDS in Pictures" Exhibition on 1 December held, at the Hong Kong Bank Plaza, Mrs. Lavender Pattern pinned a red ribbon onto the plaster sculpture, indicated our concern and love for those infected with HIV/AIDS.
photo of Mrs. Lavender Pattern pinned a red ribbon onto the plaster sculpture
photo of Mrs. Lavender Pattern pinned a red ribbon onto the plaster sculpture
photo taken at the 10 Years of AIDS in Pictures Exhibition

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1994: AIDS and the Family

Interpretation (Synopsis):

To raise awareness of AIDS and spur commitment to defeating a virus which threatens traditional and non traditional families alike.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • The Honorable Michael Sze, Secretary for Civil service, signed "The Hong Kong Community Charter on AIDS" on behalf of the Hong Kong Government on 8 December 1994.
  • Hong Kong AIDS Fortnight performed outside the Cultural Centre. Artists put on red ribbons during the "Hong Kong AIDS Fortnight 1994 Opening Day" to show their concern to HIV/AIDS.
photo of the Honorable Michael Sze signed the Hong Kong Community Charter on AIDS
photo of Hong Kong AIDS Fortnight
photo of artists put on red ribbons during the Hong Kong AIDS Fortnight

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1993: Time To Act

Interpretation (Synopsis):

To inspire new HIV/AIDS activities, be it a parade or show to promote community solidarity, a meeting, a display or workshop to increase knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • An activity "Time to Act" was carried out at Charter Road Pedestrian Precinct.
  • Professor Jonathan Mann-the founding director of the WHO's Global Programme on AIDS hosted a seminar at Furama Hotel on 30 November 1993.
photo taken at the activity Time to Act
photo of a booth
photo of Prof. Jonathan Mann at the seminar

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1992: AIDS - A Community Commitment

Interpretation (Synopsis):

It is vital for each and every community to pledge itself wholeheartedly to the fight against AIDS. Only through an enormous commitment of money, energy and imaginations - within and between communities, international and local - can the world hope to contain the pandemic.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • Winning photos and slogans on display at the "Opening Ceremony of AIDS Education Exhibition 1992".
photo taken at the opening ceremony of AIDS education exhibition 1992
photo taken at the AIDS education exhibition 1992
photo of the exhibits

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1991: Sharing the Challenge

Interpretation (Synopsis):

Only by pooling our efforts, resources, and imagination can we hope to prevail against the common threat.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • An exhibition "Sharing the Challenge" held at City hall.
photo at the exhibition - Sharing the Challenge
photo taken at the opening ceremony of the exhibition on AIDS
photo  taken at the exhibition on AIDS - Sharing the Challenge

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1990: Women & AIDS

Interpretation (Synopsis):

To draw attention to the special needs of women in the AIDS epidemic, the essential contributions women make to AIDS prevention and care, and the need for men and women to face the challenges of AIDS together.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • Committee on Education and Publicity on AIDS organized a women seminar "Prevention of AIDS - A Women's Mission" on 1 December 1990.
  • Exhibition on AIDS organized by the Advisory Council on AIDS at Cultural Centre 1990.
photo taken at seminar - Prevention of AIDS, A Women's Mission
photo at Exhibition on AIDS
photo at the exhibition on AIDS

Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1989: Our Lives, Our World - Let's Take Care of Each Other

Interpretation (Synopsis):

To emphasise the role of young people in AIDS prevention and control, as a way to include more people in the worldwide effort, and build lasting bridges to a future of under standing, compassion, solidarity and action against the AIDS pandemic.

Activities in Hong Kong

  • "Youth Concert 1989" - in support of World AIDS Day at Kowloon Park Plaza.
photo taken  at Youth Concert 1989
photo taken  at Youth Concert 1989
photo taken  at Youth Concert 1989