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Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)

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  • To raise the awareness of HIV/STI prevention among MSM community
  • To promote safer sex
  • To encourage MSM to go for HIV testing and counselling service


  1. MSM HIV Prevention Working Group
    The Working Group aims to facilitate the communication with stakeholders and collect opinions from various gay parties.

  2. "Gay Men HIV Testing Hotline 2117 1069"
    The Hotline provides AIDS and STIs related information, individual counselling and booking service for free, anonymous HIV antibody testing.

  3. Multimedia platforms:
    • Gay Men HIV Information website
      The Gay Men HIV Information website was launched in October 2006. Its domain name has changed to This link will open in a new in September 2019. It aims to deliver up-to-date HIV prevention messages, promote safer sex and HIV testing among the gay community to enhance their health and well-being.

    • YouTube gayspothk channel
      Showcasing This link will open in a new windowAPIs and short films produced by the Centre and viral videos

    • Mobile app "1069 Test Finder":
      Revamped in April 2017, MSM can easily search locations where they can have access to free condoms and HIV testing services. Apart from that, a new partner notification service “Let Him Know” is introduced which can help user send anonymous email/SMS to sex partners and remind them to get tested. This service was terminated on 17 November 2021.

    • "Red Ribbon Mission" Facebook profile page
      The This link will open in a new windowFacebook page releases update news on MSM community and the Centre's activity. Welcome to join and share hot topics.

    • Short film:
      In recent years, the Centre has produced a number of short films to convey health messages on HIV prevention, safer sex and early testing.

      The films are accessible at the links below:

  4. MSM HIV prevention Campaigns / Events
    A series of MSM HIV prevention campaigns and events were launched in the past years. Relevant reports are shown below:-

  5. Partnership with gay communities
    • "Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival"- In collaboration with Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Society, the centre started supporting the screening of AIDS related gay movies and organizing HIV prevention activities since 2006. We aim to raise HIV awareness and encourage active participation of the community.
    • "Hong Kong Pride Parade"- To extend a wider coverage of health promotion, the centre first joined the Parade in 2012. Health messages are conveyed through various kinds of activities such as condom mascots marching and booth games etc.
    • “Pink Dot Hong Kong”- The Centre joined the event in 2016. Since it is a large LGBT platform, health messages on the HIV prevention and safer sex can reach large number of people through this event.

  6. The provision of condom & lubricant in gay community and venues
    • To promote the use of condoms & lubricants in MSM and commercial male sex workers
    • To support safer sex promotion undertaken by community groups