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Drug Users

Poster on Harm Reduction


  • To raise HIV awareness among drug users
  • To encourage behavioral modification for HIV prevention
  • To support “Harm Reduction” approach for drug treatment and HIV prevention


  1. Production of API on “Don't Share Needles”
    • Sharing needle (1989)
    • Sharing needle (2000)
    • Harm Reduction - Measure Cup (2002)
  2. HIV/AIDS prevention programmes in This link will open in a new windowMethadone Clinics. It includes the following:
    1. Posting up of posters and distribution of pamphlets on promoting do not share needles and condom use
    2. Provision of free condoms
    3. Conducting HIV/AIDS and drugs risk behaviours assessment in Methadone Clinics
    4. Promoting Universal HIV Antibody Urine Testing
  3. Promote ''Harm Reduction'' approach for drug treatment and HIV prevention
    1. This link will open in a new windowHarm Reduction Media Campaign was once launched in 2002 to increase public awareness on Harm Reduction approach for drug treatment and HIV prevention.
  4. Provides health education materials and technical support to NGOs
    1. Street Needle Pickup Programme

      Ex-drug users pick up used needles and at the same time convey harm reduction messages and HIV/AIDS information to the drug users. Moreover, they also assist in carrying out surveillance surveys for street drug users so as to facilitate planning of more effective HIV prevention programmes.

    2. Phoenix Project

    The Phoenix Project is operated by This link will open in a new windowSociety for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (SARDA). Volunteers (ex-drug users) outreach into the vicinity of Methadone Clinics to counsel existing drug users.


    • To promote Methadone as a substitute for heroin
    • To educate about HIV/AIDS prevention
    • To advise against needle-sharing
    a banner of Phoenix Project