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Sex Workers


  • To increase sex workers' awareness and knowledge on Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS
  • To reinforce the adoption of safer sex practice
  • To assist in empowering sex workers' negotiation skills on safer sex so as to protect them from getting STIs/AIDS.


  1. Promote condom use and Social Hygiene Service to sex workers. Encourage anyone suspect of having STI to seek medical check-up and treatment.
  2. Resources such as multimedia, information pamphlets, condom gift pack etc. on STIs/AIDS prevention were produced.
  3. Provide health education materials and souvenir on prevention of STIs/AIDS to community organisations providing services to sex workers.
  4. To assist in training of volunteers by provide technical support, for example, organise STIs/AIDS related training workshops.

Community organisations providing services to sex workers in Hong Kong:

Social Hygiene Service

The Social Hygiene Service of Department of Health is responsible for the prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections (STI).

In the control of STI, social hygiene clinics accept walk-in clients and provide medical treatment and counselling service, thus ensuring a high degree of accessibility. Staff of the Anti-Venereal Disease Office carries out contact tracing, health education and outreach activities to control the spread of STI.

The most common diseases were non-specific genital infection/ non-gonococcal urethritis, genital warts, gonorrhoea, herpes genitals and syphilis.

This link will open in a new windowAddresses and Registration Hours of Department of Health Social Hygiene Clinics (Female)
This link will open in a new windowAddresses and Registration Hours of Department of Health Social Hygiene Clinics (Male)