- To reduce the chance of contracting HIV/AIDS through appropriate activities related to sex education, AIDS and drugs abuse designed for youth.
- “life skills-based education” to teach HIV prevention
The World Health Organization and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recommend “life skills-based education” (LSBE) on HIV/AIDS for promoting sexual and reproductive health in students. This includes teaching students how to obtain and use condoms, and how to avoid the influence of alcohol and drugs. Research evidence showed that LSBE is effective in reducing students’ high-risk behaviours that can lead to unwanted pregnancies, abortion, sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS without hastening sexual debut.
- "Networking Voice" was a half-yearly publication in Chinese for networking youth workers focusing on the subject of HIV/AIDS (from 1995 to 2017).
- Dr. Sex Hotline 23372121 (The hotline service was terminated on 31st August 2022.)
Established in July 1996 by the Department of Health and Hong Kong Sex Education Association, the Dr Sex Hotline is a 24-hour pre-recorded message in Cantonese, Putonghua and English. It provides information on physiological, psychological and behavioural problems on sex, myths about sex, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, love and marriage, pregnancy and contraception and sex and laws.
For the content of the hotline, please visit Archives of Red Ribbon Centre Resources