Life skills-based education (LSBE) aims at developing students’ skills in problem solving, critical thinking and decision making. It also aims to develop students’ self-management skills such as self-awareness, self-control and resilience, as well as communications skills including refusal, negotiation and conflict management. LSBE applies the participatory approach made appropriate to gender, cultural background and developmental stage of the students. It could be in the form of class discussion, demonstration and guided practice, role plays, team games, case studies, storytelling, debates and decision mapping or problem tree. Life skills-based education (LSBE) on HIV/AIDS and sex Life skills-based HIV/AIDS and sex education should have the following components:
Life skills-based education (LSBE) programme on HIV/AIDS and sex in secondary schools 2014/15 The Red Ribbon Centre collaborated with the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) to roll out the LSBE programme for junior secondary students in the 2014/15 school term. We aimed to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS among the students, develop their skills in critical thinking, decision making, self-awareness and interpersonal communication, as well as practical skills in self-protection and condom use. Survey on HIV/AIDS and sex education in junior secondary level in Hong Kong - 2013 In response to the recommendation of the Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS (ACA), the government conducted a territory wide survey to understand the situation of LSBE on HIV/AIDS and sex at junior secondary level. The survey was conducted in early 2013 and 360 secondary schools participated. Results were announced on 3 January 2014. This link will open in a new windowSurvey results, available teaching and learning resources, seminar, and supplementary information about LSBE on HIV/AIDS and sex are shown below.
Training programme on life skills-based HIV/AIDS and sex education Resources for life skills-based HIV/AIDS and sex education
Supplementary information for LSBE