Information of this pamphlet is being updated, This link will open in a new windowdownload latest version of “Antenatal HIV Testing - the Concern of an Expectant Mother” (PDF file of bilingual version) Download PDF file of other languages for printing This link will open in a new windowJapanese │ This link will open in a new windowKorean This link will open in a new windowVietnamese │ This link will open in a new windowUrdu │This link will open in a new windowThai │This link will open in a new windowTagalog │This link will open in a new windowNepali │This link will open in a new windowIndonesian │This link will open in a new windowHindi The printed version of this pamphlet is available in foreign languages only. Content information is illustrated in the following: The aim of rapid HIV test for delivering women It is important that a pregnant women knows her HIV status before delivery. Early detection will allow steps to be taken to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to the baby. In Hong Kong, all pregnant women are routinely tested for HIV in the antenatal clinic. However, a typical HIV test may take more than I week to process. Therefore, for any woman who is about to deliver and who does not know her HIV status yet, a rapid HIV test that takes only minutes SHOULD be done immediately so that appropriate steps can be taken to protect the baby. One has to understand AIDS, its implications and the meaning of possible results before undergoing the rapid HIV test AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
What is rapid test and how is it performed?
Rapid HIV negative (-ve) result
Rapid HIV positive (+ve) result
Rapid HIV test result is strictly confidential Early detection – how does it benefit the baby?
For the protection of your baby, please get tested. Should you have further queries about rapid HIV test and AIDS, please talk to your doctor or nurse. You are also welcome to contact our Counsellor via the AIDS Hotline at 2780 2211. For further information: Red Ribbon Centre - UNAIDS Collaborating Centre for Technical Support Address: 2/F., Wang Tau Hom Jockey Club Clinic, 200 Junction Road East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3143 7200 Fax: (852) 2338 0534 E-mail: