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HIV Cannot be passed on to others through social contacts

Printed version of pamphlet: HIV Cannot be passed on to others through social contacts
  1. The following social contacts cannot transmit HIV
  • Having meals together
  • Living together or attending the same school
  • Using public facilities such as swimming pool, sauna and toilet
  • Taking public transport such as bus and Mass Transit Railway
  • Using public telephone
  • Shaking hands, embracing
  • Coughing or sneezing
  1. HIV is not transmitted through saliva, sweat, tear and urine
  2. Mosquito bite does not transmit HIV

Transmission routes of HIV

  1. Sexual intercourse (including vaginal sex, anal sex and oral sex )
  2. Blood contact
  3. Mother to infant transmission

Methods of HIV prevention

  1. Adopt safer sex practice and proper use of condom
  2. Don't share syringe, needle, toothbrush and razor
  3. Wear disposable gloves when in contact with blood
  4. Have an HIV antibody test if necessary

General Enquiry

Address : Red Ribbon Centre
2nd Floor, 200 Junction Road East Wang Tau Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Telephone : ( 852 ) 3143 7200
Fax : ( 852 ) 2338 0534
Email :
Virtual AIDS Office: This link will open in a new window
AIDS Hotline Website : This link will open in a new window
AIDS Hotline: ( 852 ) 2780 2211
Dr Sex Hotline : ( 852 ) 2337 2121
Harm Reduction Hotline : ( 852 ) 2112 9977