- The following social contacts cannot transmit HIV
- Having meals together
- Living together or attending the same school
- Using public facilities such as swimming pool, sauna and toilet
- Taking public transport such as bus and Mass Transit Railway
- Using public telephone
- Shaking hands, embracing
- Coughing or sneezing
- HIV is not transmitted through saliva, sweat, tear and urine
- Mosquito bite does not transmit HIV
Transmission routes of HIV
- Sexual intercourse (including vaginal sex, anal sex and oral sex )
- Blood contact
- Mother to infant transmission
Methods of HIV prevention
- Adopt safer sex practice and proper use of condom
- Don't share syringe, needle, toothbrush and razor
- Wear disposable gloves when in contact with blood
- Have an HIV antibody test if necessary
General Enquiry Address : Red Ribbon Centre 2nd Floor, 200 Junction Road East Wang Tau Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong Telephone : ( 852 ) 3143 7200 Fax : ( 852 ) 2338 0534 Email : rrc@dh.gov.hk Virtual AIDS Office: This link will open in a new windowhttp://www.aids.gov.hk AIDS Hotline Website : This link will open in a new windowhttp://www.27802211.com AIDS Hotline: ( 852 ) 2780 2211 Dr Sex Hotline : ( 852 ) 2337 2121 Harm Reduction Hotline : ( 852 ) 2112 9977