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Exhibition Board

HIV & Sexuality Classroom

produced in 2020, a set of 9 exhibition boards (height 84 cm, width 59 cm)

Board 1 – What is AIDS?

  • AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).
  • HIV destroys our immune system mainly by attacking one important type of white blood cells, the CD4 lymphocytes. As the disease progresses, immunity gradually falls, unusual infections and tumours develop and leading to deaths eventually.

Board 2 - How is HIV transmitted?

HIV transmitted through:

  1. Sexual contact
    • HIV can be transmitted through sexual contact such as vaginal, oral or anal sex.
    • Vaginal or anal sex is the major mode of HIV transmission in Hong Kong.
  2. Blood contact
    • Sharing injection tools for drug taking.
    • Transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products.
  3. Mother-to-child
    • Infected mothers can transmit the virus to their babies during pregnancy, delivery and breast-feeding periods.

Board 3 - Knowing more about the Risk of HIV Infection

  • Risk of HIV infection is closely related to a person’s sexual behaviours. Abstinence is the only way to absolutely prevent HIV infection, STIs and unplanned pregnancy.
  • If abstinence is not possible, the continuum of risk can assist you to decide how to reduce the chance of infection by changing your sexual behaviours (such as using condom consistently).

Board 4 - Situation of HIV Global Epidemic

  • The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) defines the HIV prevalence as the proportion of people aged 15 to 49 years who are infected with HIV in the overall population of the country. The severity of each country can range from a prevalence of less than 0.1% in developed countries to more than 20% in some African countries.

Board 5 - How to prevent HIV infection?

  • HIV is a preventable disease. Though there is as yet no cure for HIV infection, it is not difficult to protect ourselves and prevent HIV infection by knowing and understanding more.
  • Condom use is an important component of comprehensive HIV prevention. Studies show that using latex condoms correctly and consistently can reduce the risk of HIV transmission by more than 80%.

Board 6 - HIV Testing

Most HIV infected persons look healthy and have no specific or obvious signs or symptoms during the early phase of infection. Only HIV testing can tell whether or not a person has been infected by HIV.

  • Who need to have an HIV test?
  • Comparison of Conventional Test and Rapid Test
  • HIV Testing Results
  • Clinical and Community Services offering HIV testing services

Board 7 - HIV Treatment

With starting early treatment, it effectively reduces the viral load and helps maintain the immune system. People with HIV can live a healthy and productive life.

  • The Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART), also called the cocktail therapy or the combination therapy, is the standard HIV treatment at present.
  • Evidence has shown that people with HIV who achieve sustained viral suppression to an undetectable level (<200 copies/ml) by antiretroviral drugs have no chance of passing on the virus through sex.

Board 8 - The Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) primarily transmit through direct sexual contact. They are commonly caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. In Hong Kong, the most common STIs are syphilis, gonorrhoea, genital wart, herpes genitalis and pubic lice. HIV is also one of the STIs.

  • Different STIs can present in different ways.
  • Until now, using condom correctly and consistently is the most effective method to prevent infection of STIs and HIV.

Board 9 - Youth and Sex

When properly taught, sex education can help youngsters to know more and adapt their body and mind changes. It also helps them to develop a healthy sexual attitude to protect themselves and their partners.

Youth should consider the consequence and responsibility before making sexual decision. For example:

  • Able to protect themselves such as preventing HIV and STIs infection
  • Having accurate knowledge about contraception which can reduce chance of unexpected pregnancy

Produced by Red Ribbon Centre - UNAIDS collaborating Centre for Technical Support

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