
摘要 - 流行病學及社會科學

中心特設此欄目以方便大家尋索本港的愛滋病病毒/愛滋病研究刊物和研究結果。如閣下發表了有關愛滋病病毒/愛滋病的期刊文章或摘要,並希望將它們放置於此欄目內,請以電郵與我們聯絡 rrc@dh.gov.hk。


  1. To Sabrina Wai-Chi, Chen Jonathan Hon-Kwan, Wong Ka-Hing, Chan Kenny Chi-Wai, Ng Hon-Man, Yam Wing-Cheong. Molecular epidemiology and phylogenetic analysis of minor HIV-1 subtypes in Hong Kong: emergence and spread of CRF07_BC and subtype C. The 25th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases [Poster 0552], Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-28 April 2015.
  2. Lee SS, Tsang WTY, Wong KH, Lee MP, Wong NS, Chan DPC. Reconstructing HIV incidence curves by incorporating estimated seroconversion time for each reported infection. The 8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention 2015 [WEPEC649], Vancouver, Canada, 19-22 July 2015.





  1. K Lee, KH Wong, W Lim. Surveillance of HIV-1 subtypes informs risk for local spread of infection in Hong Kong.
    XVI International AIDS Conference; 13-18 August 2006; Toronto, Canada. (PDF file)
  2. Mak Wai Lai, Lin Peng, Lam Chong, Wong Ka Hing, Tsui Edwin, Lee Shui Shan, Tso Homer Setting up an electronic platform for sharing HIV/AIDS epidemiological information in the Pearl River Delta Region, China
    XVI International AIDS Conference; 13-18 August 2006; Toronto, Canada. (PDF file)
  3. PM Lee, RLM Ho, WK Chan, SS Lee, KH Wong Cost-effectiveness of Analysis of universal antenatal HIV screening programme in Hong Kong
    XVI International AIDS Conference; 13-18 August 2006; Toronto, Canada. (PDF file)
  4. CN Chen, H Tso, SS Lee, K Lee, KH Wong Unmet needs of persons with haemophilia and HIV infection addressed two decades after the forgotten tragedy
    XVI International AIDS Conference; 13-18 August 2006; Toronto, Canada. (PDF file)
  5. Wong KH, Lee KCK, Wong CHY, Mak YW, WL Lim, Leung A, Lai C. Universal HIV urine testing programme in methadone clinics in Hong Kong
    XVI International AIDS Conference; 13-18 August 2006; Toronto, Canada. (PDF file)
  6. LW Chu, PM Lee, WL Mak, WT Cheung, DFM Lui, LM Ho Designing HIV awareness and health promotion programmes for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong
    XVI International AIDS Conference; 13-18 August 2006; Toronto, Canada. (PDF file)



  1. Lee SS.Regular urine testing for HIV antibody in Hong Kong methadone clinics. AHRN newsletter 2004; 35:16. (link to AHRN)
  2. Lee CKK. How to sell 'harm reduction concepts'? Using social marketing to promote harm reduction in Hong Kong. AHRN newsletter 2004; 35:14-5. (link to AHRN)
  3. Tse CT, Ho KM, Lo KK. A case based surveillance in sexually transmitted disease in Social Hygiene Service.
    International Infectious Disease Conference Hong Kong; 2004; Hong Kong, China.
  4. Fong OW, Chiu A, Lui R, Ho CF, Choi PH. An Evaluation of Infection Control Workshop for Workmen.
    2nd International Congress of the Asia Society of Infection Control; 2004; Singapore.
  5. Chan KCW, Chan WK, Cheng K, Wong KH. Decreasing mortality of AIDS since the availability of HAART in Hong Kong.
    Eighth Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong Society for Infectious Diseases; 6 March 2004; Hong Kong, China.
  6. Wong KH, Chan KCW, Lee SS, Chan MKT, Lee K. Delayed death and AIDS progression in an Asian cohort of advanced HIV disease patients in the HAART era.
    XV International AIDS Conference; 10-16 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand.
  7. Lee K, Kwong VSC, Wan WY, Lee SS. HIV knowledge correlates weakly with attitude of accepting people living with HIV/AIDS.
    XV International AIDS Conference; 10-16 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand. (PDF file)
  8. Lee K, Kwong VSC, Wan WY, Lee SS. Internet as an effective environment to evaluate health promotion activities.
    XV International AIDS Conference; 10-16 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand.
  9. Chan WK, Yuen G, Wong KH. Profiling of HIV clinic patients for determining the prevalence of recent infection.
    XV International AIDS Conference; 10-16 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand.
  10. Tso HWK, Lee SS. The recommendations of targets in Aids Policy for guiding program development.
    XV International AIDS Conference; 10-16 July 2004; Bangkok, Thailand.


  1. Tse CT, Wong KH, Wong C, Lee SS. Changing characteristics of reported HIV infections in Hong Kong in the last decade.
    International AIDS Society Conference; 2003; Paris, France.
  2. Chan MKT, Low KHK, Ho KM, Lo KK, Lee SS. Difference in Types and Patterns of Sexually Transmitted Infections Seen by Private and Public Practitioners in Hong Kong.
    Seventh Annual Scientific Meeting The Hong Kong Society for Infectious Diseases; 22 March 2003; Hong Kong, China.


  1. Chan MKT, Low KHK, Lee SS. Behaviour surveillance of STD clinic attendees in Hong Kong (1996-2000).
    Third Workshop on HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology in the Pearl River Delta Region; 1-9 Nov 2002; Shenzhen, China.
  2. Chen CN. Discrimination.
    XIV World AIDS Conference; 7-12 July 2002; Barcelona, Spain.
  3. Wan WY, Low KHK, Lee SS. Epidemiology of HIV infection in Hong Kong - An Update.
    Third Workshop on HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology in the Pearl River Delta Region; 1-9 Nov 2002; Shenzhen, China.
  4. Tse ICT, Low KHK, Kwong V, Wong F, Lee SS. Hong Kong experience in using the internet to enhance the delivery of HIV prevention messages to the public.
    XIV World AIDS Conference; 7-12 July 2002; Barcelona, Spain.
  5. Lim WL, Hing X, Wong KH, Shoa Y, Ng MH, Lee SS. Molecular epidemiology involving HIV subtypes in HIV surveillance in Hong Kong.
    Third Workshop on HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology in the Pearl River Delta Region; 1-9 Nov 2002; Shenzhen, China.
  6. Chan MKT. MTCT Programme in Hong Kong.
    Third Workshop on HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology in the Pearl River Delta Region; 1-9 Nov 2002; Shenzhen, China.
  7. Tso H, Ho KM, Lau YL, Fan S, Lee SS. Policy development in the prevention of MTCT of HIV in a low prevalence area.
    XIV World AIDS Conference; 7-12 July 2002; Barcelona, Spain.
  8. Yam WC, Wong KH, Lee SS. Prevalence and pattern of genotypic drug resistance among HIV patients in Hong Kong.
    XIV World AIDS Conference; 7-12 July 2002; Barcelona, Spain.
  9. Cheng SK, Kwong SCV, Chu ALW, Lee SS, Low K, Wong C. Safety seven project.
    XIV World AIDS Conference; 7-12 July 2002; Barcelona, Spain.
  10. Wan WY. Surveillance of HIV infection in methadone clinics in Hong Kong.
    Third Workshop on HIV Surveillance and Epidemiology in the Pearl River Delta Region; 1-9 Nov 2002; Shenzhen, China.


  1. Wong KH, Lee SS, Lai EYY, Chan CCN, Lim WL, Low KHK. Assessing HIV risk behaviours of methadone clinic attendees and their association with methadone treatment.
    6th ICAAP; 2001; Melbourne, Australia.
  2. Cheung G, Fan M, Liu V, Mok MF, Ho A. Changing needs of callers accessing voluntary HIV counselling and testing service via the AIDS Hotline.
    6th ICAAP; 2001; Melbourne, Australia.
  3. Wong KH, Chan CN, Lee SS, Ho KM. Lack of Cohort Aging Effect among Reported HIV Infections in Hong Kong.
    5th Annual Scientific Meeting, The HK Society for Infectious Diseases; 31 March 2001; Hong Kong, China.
  4. Lim WL, Hui X, Wong KH, et al. Molecular epidemiology of HIV in Hong Kong.
    The First China AIDS and STD Conference; 13-16 November 2001; Beijing, China.
  5. Fan KCM. Review on psycho-social problems and concerns of HIV infected adults in HK.
    Hong Kong AIDS Conference 2001; 27-29 August 2001; Hong Kong, China.
  6. Chan CN, Wong HY. The changing pattern of voluntary HIV/AIDS reporting in Hong Kong.
    Hong Kong AIDS Conference 2001; 27-29 August 2001; Hong Kong, China.
  7. Ng YW, Fong OW, Ng SC, Lam WM. To streamline the management of exposure to blood or body fluids under a Therapeutic Prevention Clinic in Hong Kong.
    (Platform presentation) 6th ICAAP; 2001; Melbourne, Australia.
  8. Wong KH, Lee SS. Was HIV positive patients in Hong Kong having their infection diagnosed earlier?
    6th ICAAP; 2001; Melbourne, Australia.


  1. Tang WK, Wong KH, Chan CK, Tam CM. Clinical epidemiology of HIV-1 and tuberculosis co-infection in Hong Kong.
    XIIIth International Conference on AIDS; 9-14 July 2000; Durban, South Africa.
  2. Wong KH, Tso H, Lee SS. Development of new directions for AIDS programme in Hong Kong.
    XIIIth International Conference on AIDS; 9-14 July 2000; Durban, South Africa.
  3. Wong KH. HIV/AIDS in Chinese communities - threats and opportunities in the new millennium.
    A satellite symposium of the XIIIth International Conference on AIDS; 9-14 July 2000; Durban, South Africa.
  4. Chan KCW, Wong KH, Lee SS. Setting the agenda for quality assurance in an HIV clinic cum day care centre.
    Quality in practice Hong Kong Hospital Authority Convention 2000; 7-10 May 2000; Hong Kong, China.
  5. Ho KM, Leung S, Lai E, Wong KH, Lo KK. Trend of high risk behaviour in HKSAR 96-99: sentinel behavioural surveillance in STD clinics.
    XIIIth International Conference on AIDS; 9-14 July 2000; Durban, South Africa.
  6. Chan CNC, Low KHK. Youth action on AIDS funding scheme in Hong Kong.
    XIIIth International Conference on AIDS; 9-14 July 2000; Durban, South Africa.


  1. Low KH, Choi TMY, Chan CCN, Kwong VSC, Chu ALW, Lai EYY. An evaluation of changes of awareness and attitudes with the television (TV) announcement of public interest (1998).
    5th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 20-27 October 1999; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  2. Chu ALW, Wong KH, Li MC, Kwong VSC, Chan VY. An information dissemination hotline on sex, HIV/AIDS, and STDs - Dr. SEX Hotline.
    5th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 20-27 October 1999; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  3. Low KHK, Wong KH, Chan CCN. Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Hong Kong.
    5th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 20-27 October 1999; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  4. Wong LMY, Wong KH, Low KHK, Kwong VSC. Resource centre in Hong Kong - Red Ribbon Centre.
    5th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 20-27 October 1999; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  5. Wong KH, Lee SS. Rising importance of tuberculosis as a primary AIDS-defining illness in Hong Kong.
    20th Eastern Region Conference of the International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung Disease; 4-7 June 1999; Hong Kong, China.
  6. Lee SS. Strategies of the Asian Drug Task Force.
    5th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 20-27 October 1999; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  7. Kwong VSC, Choi TMY, Low KHK, Chu ALW, Lai EYY. Survey on women and AIDS knowledge in maternal and child health centres.
    5th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 20-27 October 1999; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  8. Chan YV. Using a quality improvement approach to support drug adherence: a Hong Kong experience.
    5th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 20-27 October 1999; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


  1. Choi TMY, Lam PY, Chan MFC. An evaluation of the HIV situation in Hong Kong.
    12th World AIDS Conference; 28 June – 3 July 1998; Geneva, Switzerland.
  2. Lee SS. Development of HIV care programs.
    Prevention of AIDS in Asia: an Update; 13-15 November 1998; Hong Kong, China.
  3. Lee SS, Choi TMY, Wong KH, Ng MH. Establishing an HIV-related risk behavioural surveillance system.
    12th World AIDS Conference; 28 June – 3 July 1998; Geneva, Switzerland.
  4. Lee SS, Lam CKS, Tso WK, Choi TMY. Evaluating the legal impacts of and responses to AIDS.
    12th World AIDS Conference; 28 June – 3 July 1998; Geneva, Switzerland.
  5. Lee SS. HIV surveillance and clinical management - the interface.
    Workshop on HIV surveillance and Epidemiology in the Pearl River Delta Region; 11-12 December 1998; Macau.


  1. Ho TTY, Choi TMY, Lee SS. AIDS: Knowledge and attitude among civil servants. (Oral presentation)
    Third Annual Scientific Meeting, Hong Kong College of Community Medicine; 2 November 1997; Hong Kong, China.
  2. Lee SS. Current trends of HIV/AIDS - a Hong Kong perspective.
    II International Conference on Drug Abuse: Bio-Psych-Social Perspective; 26-30 January 1997; Hong Kong.
  3. Chung TWH, Wong KH, Choi TMY, Lee SS. Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in Hong Kong [Abstract A(P)119].
    4th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 25-29 October 1997; Manila, Philippines.
  4. Chan K, Wong KH, Lee SS. HIV disease in women: the Hong Kong experience to date.
    1997 Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong Society for Infectious Diseases; 15 March 1997; Hong Kong.
  5. Chiu AWF, Chu EKY, Chan YV, Chan COF, Cheung GMT. Impact of HIV infection on women's marital relationship: Hong Kong experience.
    4th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 25-29 October 1997; Manila, Philippines.
  6. Wong KH, Li MC, Chan OF, Lee SS. Integrating AIDS and sex education for youth via a hotline.
    4th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 25-29 October 1997; Manila, Philippines.
  7. Chan YV, Chiu AWF, Chu EKY, Chan COF, Cheung GMT. Survey on client's satisfaction of a HIV counselling service in Hong Kong.
    4th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific; 25-29 October 1997; Manila, Philippines.
  8. Ho KM, Wong KH, Lo KK, Lee SS. Survey on the epidemiology of STD/HIV in Hong Kong 1997.
    First Hong Kong Dermatology & Venereology Symposium; 20-21 September 1997; Hong Kong, China.


  1. Ma TY, Kwong SC, Ko ML, Chow NY. A publication by and for people with HIV/AIDS - evaluation of a pilot study project.
    Hong Kong AIDS Conference; 8-9 November 1996; Hong Kong.
  2. Lau JTF, Lee SS. Attitudes and training of health care workers on AIDS in Hong Kong.
    XIth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 July 1996; Vancouver, Canada.
  3. Chung WH, Choi MY, Lee SS. Behavioural surveillance for AIDS prevention in Hong Kong - a pilot study.
    Hong Kong AIDS Conference; 8-9 November 1996; Hong Kong.
  4. Wong KH, Lee SS, Cheung GMT, Choi TMY, Chin J, Ng MH. Categorising commercial sex industry in Hong Kong.
    XIth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 July 1996; Vancouver, Canada.
  5. Choi TMY, Lee SS, Wong KH, Chan-Fung FC. Changing pattern of reported HIV infection in Hong Kong.
    XIth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 July 1996; Vancouver, Canada.
  6. Wong KH, Lee SS. Comparing the first and second one hundred AIDS cases in Hong Kong.
    Hong Kong AIDS Conference; 8-9 November 1996; Hong Kong.
  7. Chan YV. Delivering AIDS education via a computerised hotline system. Hong Kong AIDS Conference; 8-9 November 1996; Hong Kong.
  8. Wong KH, Lee SS, Mak YW. Distribution of portable sharpbox in methadone clinics.
    Hong Kong AIDS Conference; 8-9 November 1996; Hong Kong.
  9. Kwan LC, Siu CH, Tan R, Lee SS, Lo YC. Hong Kong Community Charter on AIDS - two year experience.
    Hong Kong AIDS Conference; 8-9 November 1996; Hong Kong.
  10. Choi TMY, Lee SS, Mak YW, Chan WM. Low rates of needle-sharing in drug users attending the methadone clinics.
    XIth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 July 1996; Vancouver, Canada.
  11. Wong KH, Lee SS, Choi TMY. Mortality pattern of AIDS patients in Hong Kong.
    VIIth International Congress for Infectious Diseases; 10-13 June 1996; Hong Kong.
  12. Chung WHT. Surveillance of HIV infection in Hong Kong.
    Hong Kong AIDS Conference; 8-9 November 1996; Hong Kong.
  13. Chan TPC, Lau JTF, Lee SS. The evaluation of a TV API featured by a local Chinese AIDS patient in Hong Kong.
    XIth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 July 1996; Vancouver, Canada.


  1. Choi MY, Lo YC, Lee SS, Chen YL, Lee T. AIDS awareness and risk perception of women attending family health centres in Hong Kong.
    IIIrd International Conference on AIDS in Asia & the Pacific; 17-21 September 1995; Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  2. Lee SS. AIDS in Hong Kong.
    1995 Combined Scientific Meeting; 20-23 June 1995; Queensland, Australia.
  3. Choi MY, Lee SS, Chen YL, Cheung MT. Changing the attitudes of prison staff towards AIDS.
    IIIrd International Conference on AIDS in Asia & the Pacific; 17-21 September 1995; Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  4. Lo YC, Lee SS. Establishing an AIDS Charter in the business community.
    IIIrd International Conference on AIDS in Asia & the Pacific; 17-21 September 1995; Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  5. Choi MY, Lee SS, Wong KH. HIV infection in women in Hong Kong.
    First Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Community Medicine; 15 October 1995; Hong Kong.
  6. Lee SS. Implications of antenatal HIV screening.
    11nd Asian Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Society of Neonatal Screening; 28 November - 1 December 1995; Hong Kong.
  7. Lee SS. Prevention of Infection in First Aid.
    [Hong Kong Red Cross] Asia Pacific Regional First Aid Workshop; 31 July 1995; Hong Kong.
  8. Choi MY, Lee SS, Wong KH. Risk of HIV infection in adolescents in Hong Kong.
    Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Long Paediatrics Society; 9 December 1995; Hong Kong.
  9. Lee SS. The impact of HIV/AIDS on doctors in private practice in Hong Kong.
    XIVth WONCA World Conference ''Family Medicine - meeting new challenges''; 10-14 June 1995; Hong Kong.
  10. Kwan LC, Lee SS, Wong KH, Choi MY. The impact of new case definition on AIDS surveillance in Hong Kong.
    First Annual Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong College of Community Medicine; 15 October 1995; Hong Kong.
  11. Lee SS, Hollinrake JB, Chen V. Trend of AIDS-related behavioural patterns of drug users in Hong Kong.
    IIIrd International Conference on AIDS in Asia & the Pacific; 17-21 September 1995; Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  12. Lee SS, Saw TA, Lim WL. Unlinked anonymous screening for public health surveillance of HIV infection in Hong Kong.
    '95 China International AIDS Conference; 1-3 December 1995; Beijing, China.


  1. Lee SS. AIDS in the health care setting.
    XXIst World Congress of Medial Technology; 25-29 July 1994; Hong Kong.
  2. Lo KK, Lee SS, Wong KH. Condom use among female commercial sex workers and male clients in Hong Kong.
    Xth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 August 1994; Yokohama, Japan.
  3. Lee SS, Lee SH. Dual role of an AIDS telephone hotline system.
    Xth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 August 1994; Yokohama, Japan.
  4. Lee SS, Lim WL, Lee SH, Chan-Fung MFC. Epidemiology of HIV infection in Hong Kong.
    Xth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 August 1994; Yokohama, Japan.
  5. Lau JTF, Lee SS. Evaluation of school AIDS education programmes for secondary school students in Hong Kong.
    Xth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 August 1994; Yokohama, Japan.
  6. Lee SS, Wong KH, Dickinson AJL. Haemophilia and HIV infection in Hong Kong.
    Xth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 August 1994; Yokohama, Japan.
  7. Lee SS . Prevention of Perinatal HIV Transmission - the Hong Kong Perspective.
    XV11th Jornada Nacionais de Pediatria; 5-8 December 1994; Macau.
  8. Wong KH, Lee SS, Sitt WH, Li PCK, Ho HF. Profile of opportunistic infections among HIV infected people in Hong Kong.
    Xth International Conference on AIDS; 7-12 August 1994; Yokohama, Japan.
  9. Lo KK, Lee SS. STD control - a contributory factor for successful control of HIV infection in Hong Kong.
    1as Jornadas de Dermatologia e Venereologia de Macau; 27-30 November 1994; Macau.


  1. Lee SS, Lau TF, Chung TY, Lee SH. Effectiveness of Television advertisement on AIDS in Hong Kong.
    IXth International Conference on AIDS; 7-11 June 1993; Berlin, Germany.
  2. Lee SS, Lim WL, Lee SH. Epidemiology of HIV infection in Hong Kong.
    IXth International Conference on AIDS; 7-11 June 1993; Berlin, Germany.
  3. Wong KH, Lee SS, Lim WL. HIV surveillance among drug users in Hong Kong.
    IXth International Conference on AIDS; 7-11 June 1993; Berlin, Germany.


  1. Lim WL, Lee SS, Li PCK, Leung PY, Saw TA, Lee SH. Epidemiology of HIV infection in Hong Kong.
    VIIIth International Conference on AIDS; 19-24 July 1992; Amsterdam, Netherland.
