
期刊文章 - 臨床科學

中心特設此欄目以方便大家尋索本港的愛滋病病毒/愛滋病研究刊物和研究結果。如 閣下發表了有關愛滋病病毒/愛滋病的期刊文章或摘要,並希望將它們放置於此欄目內,請以電郵與我們聯絡 rrc@dh.gov.hk。


  1. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Chan DPC, Wong NS, Wong BCK, Chan JMC, Lee SS. Three-Dose Primary Series of Inactivated COVID-19 Vaccine for Persons Living with HIV, Hong Kong Emerg Infect Dis. 2022 Oct;28(10):2130-2132. doi: 10.3201/eid2810.220691. Epub 2022 Sep 1.
  2. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Chan P, Tang THC, Kwong RTS, Chan L, Chan HSY, Lam KW, Ting WM, Yung SK, Lam ECT, Chu MY, Lam W, Wu TC, Li P, Lee MP. Effects of syphilis infection among HIV-1-positive individuals on suppressive antiretroviral therapy AIDS Res Ther. 2022 Dec 31;19(1):69. doi: 10.1186/s12981-022-00493-w.
  3. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Hui SYA, Lao TT. Tuberculosis in pregnancy Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2022 Dec;85(Pt A):34-44. doi: 10.1016/j.bpobgyn.2022.07.006. Epub 2022 Jul 31.
  4. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Jiang T, Jianhua H, Wei J, Mu T, Zhu G, Wang X, Qu D, Wu H, Zhang T, Su B. A moderated serial mediation analysis of the association between HIV stigma and sleep quality in people living with HIV: a cross-sectional study Transl Behav Med. 2022 Dec 7:ibac017. doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibac017. Online ahead of print.
  5. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Khuon D, Rupasinghe D, Saphonn V, Kwong TS, Widhani A, Chaiwarith R, Ly PS, Do CD, Avihingsanon A, Khusuwan S, Merati TP, Van Nguyen K, Kumarasamy N, Chan YJ, Azwa I, Ng OT, Kiertiburanakul S, Tanuma J, Pujari S, Ditangco R, Zhang F, Choi JY, Gani Y, Sangle S, Ross J, Gorbach PM, Jiamsakul A; IeDEA Asia-Pacific. BMI as a predictor of high fasting blood glucose among people living with HIV in the Asia-Pacific region HIV Med. 2022 Jun 24:10.1111/hiv.13351. doi: 10.1111/hiv.13351. Online ahead of print.
  6. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Kim JH, Jiamsakul A, Kiertiburanakul S, Huy BV, Khusuwan S, Kumarasamy N, Ng OT, Ly PS, Lee MP, Chan YJ, Gani YM, Azwa I, Avihingsanon A, Merati TP, Pujari S, Chaiwarith R, Zhang F, Tanuma J, Do CD, Ditangco R, Yunihastuti E, Ross J, Choi JY; IeDEA Asia-Pacific. Patterns and prognosis of holding regimens for people living with HIV in Asian countries PLoS One. 2022 Mar 30;17(3):e0264157. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264157. eCollection 2022.
  7. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Lam PPY, Zhou N, Wong HM, Yiu CKY. Oral Health Status of Children and Adolescents Living with HIV Undergoing Antiretroviral Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Oct 8;19(19):12864. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191912864.
  8. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Lam PPY, Zhou N, Yiu CKY, Wong HM. Impact of Antiretroviral Therapy on Oral Health among Children Living with HIV: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Sep 21;19(19):11943. doi: 10.3390/ijerph191911943.
  9. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Luk FWL, Li T, Ho HY, Chan YY, Cheung SK, Wong V, Kwok TCY, Lui G. Sarcopenia in people living with HIV in Hong Kong: which definition correlates with health outcomes? J Int AIDS Soc. 2022 Sep;25 Suppl 4(Suppl 4):e25988. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25988.
  10. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Ng RW, Wong CK, Lui GC, Tso EY, Chen Z, Tsang OT, Boon SS, Lai CK, Fung KS, Yeung AC, Ho WC, Hui DS, Chan PK, Chan JM. Case series of HIV SARS-CoV-2 co-infection in Chinese adults J Clin Virol Plus. 2022 Feb;2(1):100062. doi: 10.1016/j.jcvp.2022.100062. Epub 2022 Jan 10.
  11. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Ross JL, Jiamsakul A, Avihingsanon A, Lee MP, Ditangco R, Choi JY, Rajasuriar R, Gatechompol S, Chan I, Melgar MIE, Kim JH, Chong ML, Sohn AH, Law M; Substance use, Stigma, Depression and Disability (S2D2) study group of IeDEA Asia-Pacific. Prevalence and Risks of Depression and Substance Use Among Adults Living with HIV in the Asia-Pacific Region AIDS Behav. 2022 Dec;26(12):3862-3877. doi: 10.1007/s10461-022-03714-5. Epub 2022 Jun 6.
  12. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Rupasinghe D, Choi JY, Kumarasamy N, Pujari S, Sun LP, Merati TP, Lee MP, Kinh NV, Kiertiburanakul S, Do CD, Avihingsanon A, Ross J, Jiamsakul A; IeDEA Asia-Pacific. Viral hepatitis and the cascade of care among people living with HIV in the Asia-Pacific HIV Med. 2022 Oct;23(9):959-968. doi: 10.1111/hiv.13280. Epub 2022 Feb 25.
  13. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Rupasinghe D, Choi JY, Yunihastuti E, Kiertiburanakul S, Ross J, Ly PS, Chaiwarith R, Do CD, Chan YJ, Kumarasamy N, Avihingsanon A, Kamarulzaman A, Khusuwan S, Zhang F, Lee MP, Van Nguyen K, Merati TP, Sangle S, Oon Tek N, Tanuma J, Ditangco R, Sim BLH, Pujari S, Jiamsakul A; TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD) of IeDEA Asia-Pacific. Factors associated with high alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and cirrhosis in people living with HIV on combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) in the Asia-Pacific J Med Virol. 2022 Nov;94(11):5451-5464. doi: 10.1002/jmv.28019. Epub 2022 Aug 15.
  14. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Tam G, Lee SS. Acceptance of opt-out HIV testing in out-patient clinics in Hong Kong Hong Kong Med J. 2022 Feb;28(1):86-87. doi: 10.12809/hkmj209222.
  15. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Teeraananchai S, Law M, Boettiger D, Mata N, Gupte N, Chan YL, Pham TN, Chaiwarith R, Ly PS, Chan YJ, Kiertiburanakul S, Khusuwan S, Zhang F, Yunihastuti E, Kumarasamy N, Pujari S, Azwa I, Somia IKA, Tanuma J, Ditangco R, Choi JY, Ng OT, Do CD, Gani Y, Ross J, Jiamsakul A; TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD) of IeDEA Asia-Pacific. Virological failure and treatment switch after ART initiation among people living with HIV with and without routine viral load monitoring in Asia J Int AIDS Soc. 2022 Aug;25(8):e25989. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25989.
  16. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Wang Q, Wang Z, Ma X, Chan P, Lau JTF, Mo PKH. Chinese mothers' intent to disclose the HIV status to their children: the role of outcome expectations and self-efficacy AIDS Care. 2022 Jan;34(1):95-104. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2021.1882930. Epub 2021 Feb 10.
  17. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Wong NS, Kwan TH, Chan DPC, Lui GCY, Lee SS. Regular Testing of HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections With Self-Collected Samples From Multiple Anatomic Sites to Monitor Sexual Health in Men Who Have Sex With Men: Longitudinal Study JMIR Form Res. 2022 Nov 18;6(11):e40996. doi: 10.2196/40996.
  18. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Wong NS, Wong BCK, Chan JMC, Wong KH, Tsang OTY, Mok CKP, Hui DSC, Lee SS, Chan DPC. Surrogate neutralization responses following severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination in people with HIV: comparison between inactivated and mRNA vaccine AIDS. 2022 Jul 15;36(9):1255-1264. doi: 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003237. Epub 2022 Apr 23.
  19. 這連結會以新視窗打開。Xie J, Gu J, Chen X, Liu C, Zhong H, Du P, Li Q, Lau JTF, Hao C, Li L, Hao Y, Cai W. Baseline and Process Factors of Anti-Retroviral Therapy That Predict Loss to Follow-up Among People Living with HIV/AIDS in China: A Retrospective Cohort Study AIDS Behav. 2022 Apr;26(4):1126-1137. doi: 10.1007/s10461-021-03466-8. Epub 2021 Oct 26.













  1. OTY Tsang, ST Lai, JY Lai, KH Wong, KCW Chan. Pulmonary hypertension in an HIV-infected patient. Bulletin of the Hong Kong Society for Infectious Disease 2007; 11(1):7-10


  1. Ho KM. Cutaneous manifestations of HIV infection. HK Dermatol Venereol Bull 2000; 8(3):100-7.
  2. Tsang CS, Samaranayake LP. Oral yeasts and coliforms in HIV-infected individuals in Hong Kong. Mycoses. 2000;43:303-8.
  3. Chiu SS, Lau YL. Perinatally acquired human immunodeficiency virus infection in children in Hong Kong: the experience of one centre. HK J Paediatr 2000;5:132-8.


  1. Wong KH, Lee SS. Antiretroviral therapy for adult HIV infection - advances & implications. H K Practitioner 1998; 20(3):120-30.
  2. Wong KH, Lee SS, Kam KM. Decline of CD4 level and its correlation with clinical events in Chinese HIV-infected patients. J Infect Dis Antimicrob Agents 1998; 15:99-103.
  3. Lee SS. Managing HIV infection. [Editorial]. HK Dermatol Venereol Bull 1998; 6(4):3.


  1. Lee CK, Hui CH, Lie AKW, Liang R, Chan TK. Clinical outcomes of HIV-infected haemophiliac patients in Hong Kong.Haemophilia 1997;3:20-8.


  1. Chan LY, Lee SS, Wong KH, Ng KK, Li PCK. Kaposi's sarcoma in AIDS patients - the Hong Kong experience. Hong Kong Med J 1996; 2:127-31.
  2. Wong KH, Lee SS, Choi MY, Lee CK, Lau YL. Non-progressors of HIV infection - Hong Kong experience. Int J Inf Dis 1996; 1:14-7.
  3. Lee SS. Treatment of HIV infection - the choice and necessity. JAMA SEA 1996; 12(12):7-8.


  1. Lee SS. AIDS - what it means to us. [editorial]. H K Practitioner 1994; 16(1):49-51.
  2. Wong KH, Lee SS, Li PCK, Sitt WH, Ho HF, Lo YC. Antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection in Hong Kong. J HKMA 1994; 46(2):122-7.
  3. Ho PCP, Farzavandi SK, Kwok SK, Lee SS, Li PCK. Ophthalmic complications in AIDS in Hong Kong. J HKMA 1994; 46(2):117-21.
  4. Li PCK. Neurologic manifestations of AIDS – the Hong Kong experience. J Hong Kong Med Assoc 1994;46:106-16.
  5. Tsang DNC, Li PCK, Ho HF, Lai RWM. Mycobacterial diseases and AIDS in Hong Kong. J Hong Kong Med Assoc 1994;46:102-5.


  1. Li PCK, Yeoh EK. AIDS in Hong Kong – the first twenty two cases. J of Hong Kong Med Assoc 1989;41:152-5.